
What are the key Field Layout Dimensions for FIRST’s 2022 Game, Rapid React?

The 2022 field layout has some pretty interesting design elements that are going to make it one of the better games for spectators FIRST has ever put out. The biggest element that I’m excited about is the main scoring element of the game being IN THE CENTER OF THE FIELD! No more whiplash from trying to watch the action on both sides of the Field!

Another new element is that the centerline is not perpendicular to the side walls, it’s off at a 66 degree angle. While my gut tells me it won’t make a difference in match play I’m excited to see if it throws anyone off.

Laying out the field is a bit tricky this year, but if you start in the center and work your way out, it shouldn’t be too bad. DISCLAIMER: This website is not affiliated with FIRST and is not the authority on this information, it’s just meant to present some potentially helpful information.

Once again, the overall field dimensions are 27 feet by 54 feet. The hub assembly goes smack dab in the middle. The center should be 13.5 feet from the sidewall and 27 feet from the alliance station walls. Getting the hub at its correct angle will be easier if you can lay the centerline first and then align the hub to that.

To mark the centerline, you’ll want to mark the end points of the line on the side walls. (71 inches from the midpoint of the walls)

Next you’ll want to mark out the tarmac zones. Having a framing square or something else large to help get perfect 90 degree angles will be super helpful. Start by marking the outer corner which is 84.75 inches from the center of the fender. Then layout the side lines that are 75 inches long and extend along the lower exits. Finally just connect the dots!

The outer ring of cargo starting locations is a little tricky, but if you have the tarmac laid out, you just need to use your framing square to get the perfect 90 degree angle from the outer tape lines.

Lastly, FIRST’s field layout drawing does have some other helpful measurements. The human player is approximately 365 inches (30.5 feet) from the center of the hub. The close launch pad is 203 inches and far pad is 245 inches from the center of the hub. And the ball in front of the Terminal, is 305.67 inches from the center.

See this link for official first field drawings:


What are the key dimensions of the Hangar in FIRST’s 2022 FRC game, Rapid React?

Ever wanted to make your own, 125 lb, robot monkey??? No??? Never felt that particular urge? Well you’re going to have to in order to conquer this particular endgame challenge! 

The Hangar is a jungle gym type structure located in front of both driver station 1 walls(sucks to be the team sitting there). It consists of 4 climbing rungs supported by 2 truss structures and features the only safe shooting zone in the game, the Launch pad.

Each rung is made from 1.25 inch schedule 40 steel pipe (1.66 inch outer diameter)

The Low Rung is 48.75 inches off the ground. 

The Mid Rung is 60.25 inches off the ground and 42 inches back from the low Rung.

The High Rung is 75.625 inches from the ground and 24 inches back from the Mid Rung.

The traversal Rung is  91 inches off the ground and 23 inches back from the High Rung.

The truss also has a black tape mark the is 66 inches off the ground to help the Refs make sure robots are staying below the maximum height.

The two alliance launch pads are located at the front of the truss, and are 10 inches wide x 17.25 inches tall. The Near launch pad is 168 inches (14 feet) from the Fender of the hub and the far launch pad is 207 inches (17.25 feet) from the fender.


What are the key Dimensions of the Hub in Rapid React FRC 2022?

Here is a summary of the key dimensions of the Hub in FIRST’s 2022 game, Rapid React. For the official measurements and updates go to


The Hub is essentially a ginormous cube (8’11”x8’11”x8’x8” tall) located in the center of the field.


The upper hub is a polycarbonate funnel sitting at the top of the hub. The top edge is 104 inches off the ground and the opening is 48 inches in diameter. The top edge has an outer diameter of 53.375 inches covered in 5 inch retro reflective tape spaced 5.5 inches apart. The inside of the hub has ~66” slope and is ~36 inches deep.

The lower hub is a second funnel with the top edge 41 inches off the ground and has an opening that is 60.125 inches in diameter. There are also #2 black plastic chain hung 7.5 “ below the opening of the lower hub.

The upper exits are 4 ramps that have the ends 67.125 inches off the ground and extend 9.75” past lower exits (65.75 inches from the center of the hub)

The lower exits are 4 ramps the allow cargo from lower hub to exit on the ground. They extend 56” out from the center of the hub.

The fenders are 46.125 inch x 22.5 inch tall walls that are situated between the lower exits. The front of the fender is 3.8 inches back from the lower hub wall, 7.2 inches from the upper hub vision target ring, 9.89 inches back from the inner edge of the upper hub.